Bugs in Archlinux32 packages, specific to 32-bit issues.

Bugs  FS#2  to  FS#92  have been recovered and may be incomplete, the
recovered Google/Bing cache data can be found here.

IDCategoryTask TypePrioritySeveritySummaryStatus  ascProgress
 175 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [pango]: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libpango-1.0.so. ...Closed
Task Description

this is a rather severe bug - it prevents GTK DMs, DEs, and programs from starting (lightdm, lxdm, lxde, leafpad)

the error is evident immediately in the pacman log - see: http://termbin.com/vezp

g_module_open() failed for /usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-svg.so: /usr/lib/libpango-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_memdup2
/usr/bin/gtk-query-immodules-3.0: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libpango-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_memdup2

if you disable the DM service, you can get the same error by launching the DE directly

$ startlxde
/usr/bin/lxsession: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libpango-1.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_memdup2
 183 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [gedit] error loading shared library libtepl-5.so.0 Closed
Task Description

$ gedit
gedit: error while loading shared libraries: libtepl-5.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Exist extra/tepl 6.00.0-1.0 in the pacman.
I’m not sure if gedit is old or can only be used with an older version of tepl, which is not possible because i get tepl from 3 days.

 184 Packages: StableBug ReportVery LowLow [ffmpeg] error loading share library libaom.so.2 Closed
Task Description

$ ffmpeg -v
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libaom.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

From pacman:
extra/aom 3.0.0-2.1 [installed]

 194 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow go 1.16 doesn't build. Closed
Task Description

The go build fails with this error:

unsupported setting GO386=387. Consider using GO386=softfloat instead.

go tool dist: FAILED: /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_386/compile -std -pack -o /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/atomic/_go_.a -p runtime/internal/atomic -importcfg /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/atomic/importcfg -asmhdr /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/atomic/go_asm.h -symabis /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/atomic/symabis /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/atomic/atomic_386.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/atomic/stubs.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/atomic/unaligned.go: exit status 1
go tool dist: open /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/atomic/_go_.a: no such file or directory
go tool dist: open /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/sys/_go_.a: no such file or directory
go tool dist: open /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/internal/cpu/_go_.a: no such file or directory
unsupported setting GO386=387. Consider using GO386=softfloat instead.

go tool dist: FAILED: /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_386/compile -std -pack -o /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/internal/cpu/_go_.a -p internal/cpu -importcfg /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/internal/cpu/importcfg -asmhdr /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/internal/cpu/go_asm.h -symabis /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/internal/cpu/symabis /build/go/src/go/src/internal/cpu/cpu.go /build/go/src/go/src/internal/cpu/cpu_386.go /build/go/src/go/src/internal/cpu/cpu_x86.go: exit status 1
unsupported setting GO386=387. Consider using GO386=softfloat instead.

go tool dist: FAILED: /build/go/src/go/pkg/tool/linux_386/compile -std -pack -o /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/sys/_go_.a -p runtime/internal/sys -importcfg /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/sys/importcfg -asmhdr /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/sys/go_asm.h -symabis /tmp/go-tool-dist-250139381/runtime/internal/sys/symabis /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/sys/arch.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/sys/arch_386.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/sys/intrinsics_common.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/sys/intrinsics_stubs.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/sys/stubs.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/sys/sys.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/sys/zgoarch_386.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/sys/zgoos_linux.go /build/go/src/go/src/runtime/internal/sys/zversion.go: exit status 1
=⇒ ERROR: A failure occurred in build().


Upstream discussion about this bug: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/44500

Someone mentions a fix, but it doesn’t apply for non SSE2 devices.

 199 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow SPAM Closed
Task Description


 200 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow SPAM Closed
Task Description


 201 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow SPAM Closed
Task Description


 202 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow SPAM Closed
Task Description


 203 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow SPAM Closed
Task Description


 205 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow SPAM Closed
Task Description

no task description

 206 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow SPAM Closed
Task Description

no task description

 222 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow GNOME broken on pentium4 Closed
Task Description

I’m getting a “BadAccess” Xorg error. I think this is happening because the packaged version has been compiled against libraries which have meanwhile been upgraded.

Just to get to this point I had to install “libldap24” and “libffi7”.

 223 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow asp32 is broken Closed
Task Description

It needs to be updated to reflect the switch to gitlab.archlinux.org

 226 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow claws-mail needs to be recompiled on i686 Closed
Task Description

On i686, with testing and without testing claws mail is broken:
$ claws-mail
claws-mail: error while loading shared libraries: liblber-2.4.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

While I run Parabola i686, the repositories being used come from Archlinux 32:
$ pacman -sS claws-mail
extra/claws-mail 4.0.0-2.0 [installed]

  A GTK+ based e-mail client

$ pacman -Q -o /usr/lib/liblber*
/usr/lib/liblber.so is owned by libldap 2.6.0-2.4
/usr/lib/liblber.so.2 is owned by libldap 2.6.0-2.4
/usr/lib/liblber.so.2.0.200 is owned by libldap 2.6.0-2.4
$ pacman -sS libldap
core/libldap 2.6.0-2.4 [installed]

  Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client libraries

$ pacman -Q -l libldap | grep /usr/lib/liblber
libldap /usr/lib/liblber.so
libldap /usr/lib/liblber.so.2
libldap /usr/lib/liblber.so.2.0.200

So it’s most probably broken on Arch Linux 32 as well.


 229 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow SPAM Closed
Task Description

no task description

 230 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [SPAM] Closed
Task Description

no task description

 235 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow fluxbox segfaults Closed
Task Description

no task description

 236 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow gdb: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_reg ...Closed
Task Description

Current version in /usr/lib is libboost_regex.so.1.78.0

 269 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [spam] Closed
Task Description


 270 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [spam] Closed
Task Description


 271 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [spam] Closed
Task Description


 272 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [spam] Closed
Task Description


 285 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [s-tui] /usr/bin/s-tui missing Closed
Task Description

In s-tui 1.1.3-2.0, the run script /usr/bin/s-tui is missing. Only the files under /usr/lib/python3.10 are included in the package.

In the upstream Arch package the file is included: https://archlinux.org/packages/community/any/s-tui/

Rebuilding the package on a pentium4 machine resulted in a correct package. I cannot find any Arch Linux 32 specific PKGBUILD, so I’m not sure where this problem comes from. Maybe just rebuilding the package will fix it.

 286 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [speedtest-cli] missing scripts Closed
Task Description

The package speedtest-cli (2.1.3-2.0) is missing the following scripts:

These are generated scripts, but they should be included in the package.

 291 PackagesFeature RequestVery LowLow Hey , if possible can u build temite based on https://g ...Closed
Task Description

Note:- It will compile very easily as i have a modified PKGBUILD

# Maintainer: Frederik Schwan freswa@archlinux.org pkgdesc=’A simple VTE-based terminal’ pkgname=termite
url=https://github.com/aperezdc/termite license=(LGPL)
depends=(gtk3 pcre2 gnutls vte-common)
makedepends=(gperf ‘meson>=0.58’ ninja)



build () {

rm -rf _build
arch-meson _build "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
meson compile -C _build


package () {

meson install -C _build --skip-subprojects vte --destdir "${pkgdir}"


 292 PackagesFeature RequestVery LowLow Hey , if possible can u build temite based on https://g ...Closed
Task Description

Note:- It will compile very easily as i have a modified PKGBUILD

# Maintainer: Frederik Schwan freswa@archlinux.org pkgdesc=’A simple VTE-based terminal’ pkgname=termite
url=https://github.com/aperezdc/termite license=(LGPL)
depends=(gtk3 pcre2 gnutls vte-common)
makedepends=(gperf ‘meson>=0.58’ ninja)



build () {

rm -rf _build
arch-meson _build "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
meson compile -C _build


package () {

meson install -C _build --skip-subprojects vte --destdir "${pkgdir}"


 293 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow Please update those packages:- Closed
Task Description


If possible can u add Julia Lang though its on blacklist but i will try to compile it :)

 296 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow Fix terminal emulators  Closed
Task Description

On arch32 currently foot and alacritty is broken

 299 PackagesFeature RequestVery LowLow [dart] request for bootstrapping dart Closed
Task Description

The dart sdk files are still availble for ia32:-

can you send the old PKGBUILD which was used

 300 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow Pinta needs to be updated Closed
Task Description

please update pinta i am facing problems with p.net clone and the closest is pinta so if u look to update it then it would be greatful

 301 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [dino]: wont start Closed
Task Description
# pacman -Syu dino
$ dino
main.vala:25: Fatal error: /usr/lib/libgupnp-1.2.so.1: undefined symbol: gssdp_client_can_reach
 302 DevopsFeature RequestVery LowLow Are you gonna continue 486 support? Closed
Task Description


486 will be removed from the kernel and especially from 6.1 onwards rust will be integrated with the kernel…

 315 Packages: StableBug ReportVery LowLow [ncmpcpp] requires wrongly boost libraries  Closed
Task Description

ncmpcpp-git compiles on AUR with no problem with all dependencies found on AL32 repositories.

 330 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow [gcompris-qt] no game icons Closed
Task Description

gcompris-qt 3.0-1.0 is missing a dependency on llvm14 (or maybe it needs a rebuild for llvm) and thus it doesn’t show any game in the menu.

 334 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow Calibre is out of date and will not start Closed
Task Description

The latest version of calibre is 6.16.

The version in the repositories is 6.11.0-1.0 and unfortunately will no longer start.

[keith@Arch32 ~]$ calibre
Failed to import PyQt module: PyQt6.QtNetwork with error: /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/PyQt6/QtNetwork.abi3.so: undefined symbol: _ZN16QNetworkDatagram7destroyEP23QNetworkDatagramPrivate, version Qt_6
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/calibre", line 21, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui_launch.py", line 72, in calibre
    from calibre.gui2.main import main
  File "/usr/lib/calibre/calibre/gui2/__init__.py", line 13, in <module>
    from qt.core import (
ImportError: cannot import name 'QNetworkProxyFactory' from 'qt.core' (/usr/lib/calibre/qt/core.py)
[keith@Arch32 ~]$ pacman -Qi calibre
Name            : calibre
Version         : 6.11.0-1.0
Description     : Ebook management application
Architecture    : pentium4
URL             : https://calibre-ebook.com
Licenses        : GPL3
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : hunspell  hyphen  icu  jxrlib  libmtp  libstemmer  libusb  libwmf  mathjax  mtdev  optipng  podofo
                  python-apsw  python-beautifulsoup4  python-cchardet  python-css-parser  python-cssselect  python-dateutil
                  python-dnspython  python-feedparser  python-html2text  python-html5-parser  python-jeepney  python-lxml
                  python-markdown  python-mechanize  python-msgpack  python-netifaces  python-pdftotext  python-pillow
                  python-psutil  python-py7zr  python-pychm  python-pycryptodome  python-pygments  python-pyqt6
                  python-pyqt6-webengine  python-regex  python-unrardll  python-zeroconf  qt6-imageformats  qt6-svg
                  qt6-webengine  ttf-liberation  uchardet  udisks2
Optional Deps   : poppler: required for converting pdf to html [installed]
                  speech-dispatcher: TTS support in the viewer
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : calibre-common  calibre-python3
Replaces        : calibre-common  calibre-python3
Installed Size  : 91.69 MiB
Packager        : Andreas Baumann <mail@andreasbaumann.cc>
Build Date      : Thu 12 Jan 2023 05:31:50 GMT
Install Date    : Tue 24 Jan 2023 10:15:48 GMT
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature

[keith@Arch32 ~]$ 
 353 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow mc: is broken Closed
Task Description
$ mc
mc: symbol lookup error: mc: undefined symbol: g_string_new_take

$ mcedit
mcedit: symbol lookup error: mcedit: undefined symbol: g_string_new_take
 354 PackagesBug ReportVery LowLow staging mkinitcpio<->cryptsetup conflict Closed
Task Description

it is not possible to enable staging

$ sudo pacman -Syuu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core-staging is up to date
 core is up to date
 extra-staging                      2.5 MiB  2.22 MiB/s 00:01 [##################################] 100%
 extra is up to date
 community-staging is up to date
 community is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
:: There are 2 providers available for dbus-units:
:: Repository core-staging
   1) dbus-broker-units  2) dbus-daemon-units

Enter a number (default=1): 
looking for conflicting packages...
:: cryptsetup and mkinitcpio are in conflict. Remove mkinitcpio? [y/N] y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: unable to satisfy dependency 'initramfs' required by linux
 95 Packages: StableBug ReportVery LowHigh KDE broken since KDE Frameworks 5.64 update Closed
Task Description

KDE applications fail to start with the following error:

symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libKF5QuickAddons.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZNK19KCoreConfigSkeleton10isDefaultsEv

The affected applications I’ve found so far are:
dolphin 19.08.3-1.0
kwin 5.17.3-1.0
plasma-workspace 5.17.0-2.0

After downgrading kdeclarative to 5.63.0-1.0 kwin and plasma start but dolphin fails with a new error:

dolphin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libKF5KCMUtils.so.5: undefined symbol: _ZNK12KQuickAddons12ConfigModule11errorStringEv

Downgrading kcmutils to 5.63.0-1.0 finally fixed dolphin.

 104 PackagesBug ReportMediumHigh [glibc] 2.31-1.0 broken Closed
Task Description

Real machines (i686) break apart in mutliple ways: systemd-journald fails to start, also udev seems to have trouble. This leaves one with a rescue console. And at least in my rescue console, my keyboard did not work.
I also have a pentium4 vm which won’t boot currently (I might give some details, when I have a little more time).

 177 Packages: TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [gcc] CPU ISA level is lower than required Closed
Task Description

$ cc –version
cc: CPU ISA level is lower than required

The same happens in a chroot for [staging].

$ pacman -Qo /usr/bin/cc
/usr/bin/cc is owned by gcc 10.2.0-6.0

$ pacman -Q glibc
glibc 2.33-4.0

Does that mean, anything building with gcc is doomed on i686, currently?

 2 Packages: StableBug ReportMediumLow this is a test-issue for [lapack] (not a real bug) - Ar ...Closed
Task Description

07.11.2017 -  FS#2  - this is a test-issue for [lapack] (not a real bug). human: ignore this build master: do not ignore this. Closed by Erich Eckner 07.11.2017 …

 3 Packages: StableBug ReportMediumLow [ffmpeg] missing FLAC codec Closed
Task Description

Opened by Andreas Baumann - 07.11.2017
Last edited by Erich Eckner - 07.11.2017
 FS#3  - [ffmpeg] missing FLAC codec

Playing 10.Motion_Picture_Soundtrack.flac.
Audio only file format detected.
Load subtitles in ./

Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
[flac @ 0xb68902c0]Got unexpected packet size after a partial decode
[flac @ 0xb68902c0]Got unexpected packet size after a partial decode
[flac @ 0xb68902c0]Got unexpected packet size after a partial decode
[flac @ 0xb68902c0]Got unexpected packet size after a partial decode
[flac @ 0xb68902c0]Got unexpected packet size after a partial decode
[flac @ 0xb68902c0]Got unexpected packet size after a partial decode
ADecoder init failed sad
ADecoder init failed sad
Cannot find codec for audio format 0x43614C66.
Audio: no sound
Video: no video

Levi commented on 16.05.2019 20:08

How do I check this? I tested inputting a file to ffmpeg using the -i option and it acted like the output of ffprobe reporting things like the duration correctly before barfing that I hadn’t supplied it with any outputs. Is this fixed therefore?
Andreas Baumann commented on 17.08.2019 12:23

Output #0, flac, to ‘Kid A (2000)/10.Motion_Picture_Soundtrack.flac’:
Output file #0 does not contain any stream

and this on 64-bit.

I don’t think, flac support is there in ffmpeg

Google Cache

Bing Cache

 4 Packages: StableBug ReportMediumLow [virtualbox-guest-utils] 5.2.0 version broken  Closed
Task Description

Attached to Project: Archlinux32
Opened by Andreas Baumann - 07.11.2017
Last edited by Andreas Baumann - 17.12.2017
 FS#4  - [virtualbox-guest-utils] 5.2.0 version broken

When starting a virtual machine you get:

VBoxClient: VBoxClient (seamless): failed to start. Stage: Setting guest IRQ filter mask Error: VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR

The solution is to use the guest ISO 5.2.1 for now till the package is upgraded.
Closed by Andreas Baumann
17.12.2017 20:22
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing:

Seems to work now. the modules load, the desktop adapts nicely. mouse works. closing this one.


Erich Eckner commented on 17.12.2017 18:46

is this still the case with 5.2.2?
Andreas Baumann commented on 17.12.2017 18:52

I’ll have to test on a virtualbox vm..

Google Cache

Bing Cache

 5 PackagesBug ReportMediumLow [sbcl] fails to compile - Arch Linux Closed
Task Description

16.12.2017 - The best, I can get is trying to compile the git HEAD with clisp (instead of sbcl). However, this still errors with: entering make-target-2.sh

 6 PackagesBug ReportMediumLow [libreoffice-still] 5.3.7-4 crashes when opening a ... Closed
Task Description

07.11.2017 - Nov 07 18:19:32 arch32-testing systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 643/UID 0). Nov 07 18:19:35 arch32-testing …

 7 PackagesBug ReportMediumLow unknown bug FS#7 Closed
Task Description

no task description

 8 Packages: Build-listBug ReportMediumLow [skia-sharp] [skia-sharp58] build fails Closed
Task Description

Attached to Project: Archlinux32
Opened by Erich Eckner - 11.11.2017
Last edited by Andreas Baumann - 12.11.2017
 FS#8  - [skia-sharp] [skia-sharp58] build fails

/startdir/PKGBUILD: line 63: bin/gn: No such file or directory

strange about this:
- works on x86_64
- bin/gn is there and executable
Closed by Andreas Baumann
12.11.2017 14:19
Reason for closing: Won’t implement
Additional comments about closing:

blacklist, no visible 32-bit support.

Comments (7)

Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 12:29

When compiling on 64-bit I get several binaries:


maybe one with linux32 is missing?
Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 12:30

Other things in PKGBUILD:

export PYTHON=’/usr/bin/pyton2’

This hardly works. :-) Admin
Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 12:31

The line with bin/gn is a little bit tricky. I’ll try to put an absolute path there..
Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 12:32

I also don’t like the ideas of pushd and popd everywhere..
Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 12:33

file bin/gn
bin/gn: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.26, BuildID[sha1]=6d551c57efec95b400b9890f89a18e407396c917, stripped

So the file not found means: it exists, but has not been compiled for the correct architecture.
Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 13:57

So, removing bin/gn and calling python2 tools/git-sync-deps fetches me a new copy.
Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 14:14

So tools/git-sync-deps does:

   os.path.join(os.path.dirname(deps_file_path), 'bin', 'fetch-gn')])

which has:

gn_path = ‘buildtools/linux64/gn’ if ‘linux’ in sys.platform else \

      'buildtools/mac/gn'     if 'darwin' in sys.platform else \

fetching things from Chromium:

f.write(urllib2.urlopen('https://chromium-gn.storage-download.googleapis.com/' + sha1).read())

Changing linux64 to linux32 in a naive approach didn’t fetch a bin/gn.

So I would actually blacklist both packages.

Google Cache

 9 Packages: Build-listBug ReportMediumLow [ffmpeg] [ffmpeg2.8] libtheora not found Closed
Task Description

Attached to Project: Archlinux32
Opened by Erich Eckner - 11.11.2017
Last edited by Andreas Baumann - 12.11.2017
 FS#9  - [ffmpeg] [ffmpeg2.8] libtheora not found

==&gt; Starting build()… ERROR: libtheora not found

… but it’s there:

strange … Closed by Andreas Baumann
12.11.2017 15:40
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing:

fixed in libogg.

  Comments (5)
  Related Tasks (0/0)

Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 14:29

more ffbuild/config.log

BEGIN /tmp/ffconf.6IlfdMzU/test.c

  1   #include 
  2   #include 
  3   long check_th_info_init(void) { return (long) th_info_init; }
  4   int main(void) { int ret = 0;
  5    ret |= ((intptr_t)check_th_info_init) &amp; 0xFFFF;
  6   return ret; }

END /tmp/ffconf.6IlfdMzU/test.c
600 -DPIC -std=c11 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC -pthread -I/usr/include/p11-kit-1 -I/usr/include/freetype2
-I/usr/include/libpng16 -I/usr/include/harfbuzz -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/us
r/include/fribidi -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng16 -I/usr/include/harfbuzz -I/usr/include
/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/libpng16 -I/usr/include/har
In file included from /usr/include/ogg/os_types.h:144:0,

               from /usr/include/ogg/ogg.h:25,
               from /usr/include/theora/theoraenc.h:24,
               from /tmp/ffconf.6IlfdMzU/test.c:1:

/usr/include/ogg/config_types.h:4:10: fatal error: config_types-32.h: No such file or directory
#include “config_types-32.h”


compilation terminated.
ERROR: libtheora not found

Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 14:31


#if WORDSIZE == 32
#include “config_types-32.h” #elif
#include “config_types-64.h” #else
#error “Unknown word size” #endif

ls /usr/include/ogg/
config_types-64.h config_types.h ogg.h os_types.h

So ogg misses the 32-bit types header file.. I’ll check there..
Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 14:54

Trying a patch in libogg:


  s|mv "${pkgdir}"/usr/include/ogg/config_types{,-64}.h|mv "${pkgdir}"/usr/include/ogg/config_types{,-32}.h|

Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 14:57

acutally: better remove the whole multilib stuff on 32-bit..
Andreas Baumann commented on 12.11.2017 15:39

eval “$(

declare -f package | \
  sed '
    /^.*Resolve multilib conflict/,/^}$/{//p;d;}


Back to first version, I’m not a sed-king (rather the very opposite).

Google Cache

 10 PackagesBug ReportMediumLow unknown bug FS#10 Closed
Task Description

no task description

 11 PackagesBug ReportMediumLow unknown bug FS#11 Closed
Task Description

no task description

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