Bugs in Archlinux32 packages, specific to 32-bit issues.

Bugs  FS#2  to  FS#92  have been recovered and may be incomplete, the
recovered Google/Bing cache data can be found here.

IDCategoryTask TypePriority  ascSeveritySummaryStatusProgress
162PackagesBug ReportMediumLowbrowsers based on Chromium break in secomp sanboxingNew
Task Description

Everything using chromium/seccomp jailing breaks currently including chromium due to missing IA-32
rules in libseccomp and/or chromium itself.

Firefox seems to work fine.
epiphany works.
midori works.
luakit works.

Chromium crashes with sigsegv (I would expect something which reminds me of a seccomp syscall?).

konqueror, falkon, qutebrowser are based on qt5-webengine. They all open up but then don’t render a page (issuing the seccomp error messages attached below).

vivaldi the same, but as it is closed source, we cannot fix it.

176DevopsFeature RequestMediumLowbring back archiso32 dual bootNew
Task Description

We should make archiso32 be able to build a i686- and x86_64-bootable iso, again. This is really handy on a usb stick as a rescue system.

The problem with the old dual iso is, that I had to do the i686 iso from scratch, because upstream changed from build.sh to putting everything into mkarchiso. Now, everything is steered from a profile file.

So either, we find a way to make a profile for multiple architectures, or we need to patch mkarchiso to do that for us - and maybe upstream these changes.

310PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[webkit2gtk] needs a running RubyNew
Task Description
<internal:/usr/lib/ruby/3.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:85:in `require': cannot load such file -- date_core (LoadError)
        from <internal:/usr/lib/ruby/3.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:85:in `require'
        from /usr/lib/ruby/3.0.0/date.rb:4:in `<top (required)>'
        from <internal:/usr/lib/ruby/3.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:85:in `require'
        from <internal:/usr/lib/ruby/3.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:85:in `require'
        from /build/webkit2gtk/src/webkitgtk-2.38.2/Source/JavaScriptCore/generator/GeneratedFile.rb:24:in `<top (required)>'
        from /build/webkit2gtk/src/webkitgtk-2.38.2/Source/JavaScriptCore/generator/DSL.rb:25:in `require_relative'
        from /build/webkit2gtk/src/webkitgtk-2.38.2/Source/JavaScriptCore/generator/DSL.rb:25:in `<top (required)>'
        from /build/webkit2gtk/src/webkitgtk-2.38.2/Source/JavaScriptCore/generator/main.rb:24:in `require_relative'
        from /build/webkit2gtk/src/webkitgtk-2.38.2/Source/JavaScriptCore/generator/main.rb:24:in `<main>'

And ruby is currently broken..

20Packages: Build-listBug ReportMediumLow[sagemath-doc] building documentation using Sphinx segf...New
Task Description

[tutorial ] Saved pickle file: citations.pickle
[tutorial ] Exception occurred:
[tutorial ] File “/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sphinx/environment/init.py”, line 152, in dump
[tutorial ] pickle.dump(env, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[tutorial ] MemoryError
[tutorial ] The full traceback has been saved in /tmp/sphinx-err-kSNZ9A.log, if you want to report the issue to the developers.
[tutorial ] Please also report this if it was a user error, so that a better error message can be provided next time.
[tutorial ] A bug report can be filed in the tracker at . Thanks!
Build finished. The built documents can be found in /build/sagemath-doc/src/sage-8.1/src/doc/html/ja/tutorial
/startdir/PKGBUILD: line 79: 2540 Segmentation fault (core dumped) python2 sage_setup/docbuild –no-pdf-links -k all html
==&gt; ERROR: A failure occurred in build().


==&gt; ERROR: Build failed, check /data/archbuild/staging-i686/copy/build

Bing Cache

248PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[Qt6] Illegal OpcodesNew
Task Description
кві 09 19:43:36 alizee kernel: traps: telegram-deskto[1252] trap invalid opcode ip:b3f990c3 sp:bf8d0010 error:0 in libQt6Gui.so.6.2.3[b3ecb000+873000]

Stack trace of thread 1252:
#0  0x00000000b3f990c3 n/a (libQt6Gui.so.6 + 0xce0c3)
#1  0x00000000b7f67ecb call_init (ld-linux.so.2 + 0x5ecb)
#2  0x00000000b7f67fc4 _dl_init (ld-linux.so.2 + 0x5fc4)
#3  0x00000000b7f7f58a _dl_start_user (ld-linux.so.2 + 0x1d58a)
ELF object binary architecture: Intel 80386
кві 09 19:45:11 alizee kernel: traps: qbittorrent[1353] trap invalid opcode ip:b60c69b6 sp:bfd54e70 error:0 in libQt6Core.so.6.2.3[b5f22000+2fd000]

Stack trace of thread 1353:
#0  0x00000000b60c69b6 _Z26qCalculateGrowingBlockSizeiii (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x21c9b6)
#1  0x00000000b60c6aa9 _ZN10QArrayData8allocateEPPS_iiiNS_16AllocationOptionE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x21caa9)
#2  0x00000000b61e9cef n/a (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x33fcef)
#3  0x00000000b61139a4 _ZN18QThreadStorageDataC2EPFvPvE (libQt6Core.so.6 + 0x2699a4)
#4  0x00000000b656aca9 n/a (libQt6Network.so.6 + 0x31ca9)
#5  0x00000000b7f68ecb call_init (ld-linux.so.2 + 0x5ecb)
#6  0x00000000b7f68fc4 _dl_init (ld-linux.so.2 + 0x5fc4)
#7  0x00000000b7f8058a _dl_start_user (ld-linux.so.2 + 0x1d58a)
ELF object binary architecture: Intel 80386
290PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[qt6-webengine] fails building with nodeNew
Task Description
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/build/qt6-webengine/src/build/src/core/RelWithDebInfo/i686/../../../../../qtwebengine-everywhere-src-6.3.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/node/node.py", line 62, in <module>
  File "/build/qt6-webengine/src/build/src/core/RelWithDebInfo/i686/../../../../../qtwebengine-everywhere-src-6.3.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/node/node.py", line 57, in RunNode
    raise RuntimeError('Command \'%s\' failed\n%s' % (' '.join(cmd), err))
RuntimeError: Command '/usr/bin/node ../../../../../qtwebengine-everywhere-src-6.3.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/devtools-frontend/src/scripts/build/compress_files.js --file_list __third_party_devtools-frontend_src_compress__build_qt6-webengine_src_build_src_core_target_toolchain_target__rule..rsp' failed

This is presumably knitting together some documentation, node is currently broken on Arch32..

282PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[qt5-webengine] fails with LTO and one definition ruleNew
Task Description

After hours of compiling:

release/../../../../qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/chromium/base/memory/ref_counted.h:145:19: warning: type ‘struct RefCountedThreadSafeBase’ violates the C++ One Definition Ru
le [-Wodr]
  145 | class BASE_EXPORT RefCountedThreadSafeBase {
      |                   ^
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/chromium/base/memory/ref_counted.h:145:19: note: a different type is defined in another translation unit
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/chromium/base/memory/ref_counted.h:229:16: note: the first difference of corresponding 
definitions is field ‘needs_adopt_ref_’
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/chromium/base/memory/ref_counted.h:145:19: note: a type with different number of fields is defined in another translation unit
release/../../../../qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/chromium/base/memory/ref_counted.h:387:7: warning: type ‘struct RefCountedThreadSafe’ violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-
  387 | class RefCountedThreadSafe : public subtle::RefCountedThreadSafeBase {
      |       ^
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/chromium/base/memory/ref_counted.h:387:7: note: a type with different bases is defined in another translation unit
release/../../../../qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/chromium/base/memory/ref_counted.h:387:7: warning: type ‘struct RefCountedThreadSafe’ violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Wodr]
  387 | class RefCountedThreadSafe : public subtle::RefCountedThreadSafeBase {
      |       ^
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/3rdparty/chromium/base/memory/ref_counted.h:387:7: note: a type with different bases is defined in another translation unit
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.h:87:38: warning: type ‘struct CookieMonsterDelegateQt’ violates the C++ One Definition Rule [-Wodr]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.h:87:38: note: a type with different bases is defined in another translation unit
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.h:104:10: warning: type of ‘setCookie’ does not match original declaration [-Wlto-type-mismatch]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:134:6: note: ‘setCookie’ was previously declared here
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:134:6: note: code may be misoptimized unless ‘-fno-strict-aliasing’ is used
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.h:113:10: warning: type of ‘setHasFilter’ does not match original declaration [-Wlto-type-mismatch]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:212:6: note: ‘setHasFilter’ was previously declared here
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:212:6: note: code may be misoptimized unless ‘-fno-strict-aliasing’ is used
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.h:108:10: warning: type of ‘deleteAllCookies’ does not match original declaration [-Wlto-type-mismatch]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:183:6: note: ‘deleteAllCookies’ was previously declared here
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:183:6: note: code may be misoptimized unless ‘-fno-strict-aliasing’ is used
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.h:107:10: warning: type of ‘deleteSessionCookies’ does not match original declaration [-Wlto-type-mismatch]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:171:6: note: ‘deleteSessionCookies’ was previously declared here
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:171:6: note: code may be misoptimized unless ‘-fno-strict-aliasing’ is used
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.h:105:10: warning: type of ‘deleteCookie’ does not match original declaration [-Wlto-type-mismatch]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:158:6: note: ‘deleteCookie’ was previously declared here
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:158:6: note: code may be misoptimized unless ‘-fno-strict-aliasing’ is used
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.h:106:10: warning: type of ‘getAllCookies’ does not match original declaration [-Wlto-type-mismatch]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:129:6: note: ‘getAllCookies’ was previously declared here
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:129:6: note: code may be misoptimized unless ‘-fno-strict-aliasing’ is used
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.h:102:10: warning: type of ‘hasCookieMonster’ does not match original declaration [-Wlto-type-mismatch]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:124:6: note: ‘hasCookieMonster’ was previously declared here
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/net/cookie_monster_delegate_qt.cpp:124:6: note: code may be misoptimized unless ‘-fno-strict-aliasing’ is used
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: warning: virtual table of type ‘struct CallbackSharedDataPointer’ violates one definition rule [-Wodr]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: note: the conflicting type defined in another translation unit has virtual table with more entries
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: warning: virtual table of type ‘struct CallbackSharedDataPointer’ violates one definition rule [-Wodr]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: note: the conflicting type defined in another translation unit has virtual table with more entries
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: warning: virtual table of type ‘struct CallbackSharedDataPointer’ violates one definition rule [-Wodr]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: note: the conflicting type defined in another translation unit has virtual table with more entries
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: warning: virtual table of type ‘struct CallbackSharedDataPointer’ violates one definition rule [-Wodr]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: note: the conflicting type defined in another translation unit has virtual table with more entries
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: warning: virtual table of type ‘struct CallbackSharedDataPointer’ violates one definition rule [-Wodr]
/usr/src/debug/qtwebengine/src/core/api/qwebenginecallback_p.h:136:12: note: the conflicting type defined in another translation unit has virtual table with more entries
during RTL pass: pro_and_epilogue
release/gen/services/network/public/mojom/content_security_policy.mojom.h: In member function ‘Clone’:
release/gen/services/network/public/mojom/content_security_policy.mojom.h:1666:1: internal compiler error: in find_oldest_value_reg, at regcprop.cc:460

This is sort of unmaintainable..

240PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[qt5-base] i486 builds run out of memory due to LTONew
Task Description

LTO is hard to switch off, there are flags doing nothing, I see errors like

lto-wrapper: fatal error: write: No space left on device

284PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[qt] breaks on i686 and i486 (uses SSE2 optimisations)New
Task Description

no task description

265PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[python] starts to depend on Rust (i486)New
Task Description

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/build/python-cryptography/src/cryptography-37.0.2/setup.py", line 14, in <module>
  from setuptools_rust import RustExtension

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘setuptools_rust’

# no rust for now on i486
if [ “$CARCH” = ‘i486’ ]; then



This affects i486, so we are forced to bootstrap Rust on i486..

275PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[protobuf] breaks heavily on 32-bitNew
Task Description

/build/protobuf/src/protobuf-21.2/src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h: In instantiation of ‘constexpr int google::protobuf::internal::RepeatedFieldLowerClampLimit() [with T = long long int; int kRepHeaderSize = 4]’:

/data/work/arch32/protobuf/src/protobuf-21.2/src/google/protobuf/repeated_field.h:81:27: note: the comparison reduces to ‘(8 ⇐ 4)’

326PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[php] needs a rebuildNew
Task Description

httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load modules/libphp.so into server: libssl.so.1.1>

257PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[openjdk 11/17/18] fails to build almost in all version...New
Task Description

no task description

245PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[opencv] Python stack smashingNew
Task Description

– Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python3 (found suitable version “3.10.4”, minimum required is “3.2”)
– Found PythonLibs: /lib/libpython3.10.so (found suitable exact version “3.10.4”)
* stack smashing detected *: terminated

Building falls through, only in package() we see the errors then:

rm: cannot remove ‘/build/opencv/pkg/opencv/usr/lib/python3*’: No such file or directory
=⇒ ERROR: A failure occurred in package_opencv().

Happens on real i486, not in staging-i486-build, making it even more annoying.

This blocks gstreamer with the opencv plugin..

280PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[mesa] and [mesa-amber] fail on DRI-2 on i486New
Task Description

Most likely DRI-2 has been removed, rendering a whole bunch of old cards useless.

254PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[libinput/libadwaita/gtk4/tracker3] on i486 failNew
Task Description
/usr/bin/ld: warning: libicuuc.so.69, needed by /usr/lib/libtracker-sparql-3.0.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/usr/bin/ld: warning: libicui18n.so.69, needed by /usr/lib/libtracker-sparql-3.0.so, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/libtracker-sparql-3.0.so: undefined reference to `unorm2_getNFKCInstance_69'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/libtracker-sparql-3.0.so: undefined reference to `u_strToLower_69'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/libtracker-sparql-3.0.so: undefined reference to `ubrk_first_69'

tracker3 is not rebuilding on i486:

tracker/docs/reference/libtracker-sparql/meson.build:78:7: ERROR: Unknown variable "tracker_sparql_gir".
231PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[libffi] packages needing a rebuildNew
Task Description
'pypy_plugin.so' -> '/build/uwsgi/pkg/uwsgi-plugin-pypy/usr/lib/uwsgi/pypy_plugin.so'
install: creating directory '/build/uwsgi/pkg/uwsgi-plugin-pypy/opt'
install: creating directory '/build/uwsgi/pkg/uwsgi-plugin-pypy/opt/pypy'
install: creating directory '/build/uwsgi/pkg/uwsgi-plugin-pypy/opt/pypy/site-packages'
'uwsgidecorators.py' -> '/build/uwsgi/pkg/uwsgi-plugin-pypy/opt/pypy/site-packages/uwsgidecorators.py'
pypy: error while loading shared libraries: libffi.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
319PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[js102] rebuild results in a broken JS interpreter outp...New
Task Description
 2:33.16 1 warning generated.
 2:47.25     Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 2m 24s
 3:50.23 js/src/build/libjs_static.a
 3:50.23 js/src/build/libmozjs-102.so
 3:51.27 js/src/gdb/gdb-tests
 3:51.27 js/src/shell/js
 3:51.33 js/src/jsapi-tests/jsapi-tests
 3:52.83 ./spidermonkey_checks.stub
 3:54.52 TEST-PASS | check_spidermonkey_style.py | ok
 3:54.79 TEST-PASS | check_macroassembler_style.py | ok
 3:54.84 TEST-PASS | check_js_opcode.py | ok
 3:55.04 7 compiler warnings present.
 3:55.09 Overall system resources - Wall time: 233s; CPU: 0%; Read bytes: 0; Write bytes: 0; Read time: 0; Write time: 0
 3:55.13 warning: intl/icu/source/i18n/nfsubs.cpp:1313:17 [-Wunused-but-set-variable] variable 'pow' set but not used
 3:55.13 warning: intl/icu/source/i18n/ucol.cpp:108:12 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 'ucol_safeClone_71' is deprecated
 3:55.13 warning: mfbt/tests/TestResult.cpp:101:20 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 'is_literal_type_v<mozilla::Result<int *, Failed>>' is deprecated
 3:55.13 warning: mfbt/tests/TestResult.cpp:102:20 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 'is_literal_type_v<mozilla::Result<mozilla::Ok, Failed>>' is deprecated
 3:55.13 warning: mfbt/tests/TestResult.cpp:103:20 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 'is_literal_type_v<mozilla::Result<mozilla::Ok, Foo8>>' is deprecated
 3:55.13 warning: mfbt/tests/TestResult.cpp:104:20 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 'is_literal_type_v<mozilla::Result<Foo8, Foo16>>' is deprecated
 3:55.13 warning: mfbt/tests/TestResult.cpp:105:21 [-Wdeprecated-declarations] 'is_literal_type_v<mozilla::Result<mozilla::Ok, mozilla::UniquePtr<int>>>' is deprecated
 3:55.13 Your build was successful!
 Config object not found by mach.
Configure complete!
Be sure to run |mach build| to pick up any changes
To view resource usage of the build, run |mach resource-usage|.
To take your build for a test drive, run: |mach run|
Profiling instrumented JS...
/startdir/PKGBUILD: line 154:  6398 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) "$js" run.js
228PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[icu69] not updated packagesNew
Task Description

starting to collect them here packages which require icu69 (and have thus not been rebuilt
for icu 70 yet):

- abiword: libical (rescheduled build)

313PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[hg] broken on i486New
Task Description
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/hg", line 59, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mercurial/dispatch.py", line 143, in run
    status = dispatch(req)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mercurial/dispatch.py", line 232, in dispatch
    status = _rundispatch(req)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mercurial/dispatch.py", line 276, in _rundispatch
    ret = _runcatch(req) or 0
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mercurial/dispatch.py", line 451, in _runcatch
    return _callcatch(ui, _runcatchfunc)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mercurial/dispatch.py", line 461, in _callcatch
    return scmutil.callcatch(ui, func)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mercurial/scmutil.py", line 153, in callcatch
    return func()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mercurial/dispatch.py", line 441, in _runcatchfunc
    return _dispatch(req)

That’s why ‘nss’ is not rebuilding on i486.

321PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[gnome] brokenAssigned
Task Description

mutter had a checksum issue (trivial).

gnome-shell misses a current version of gjs:

Dependency gjs-1.0 found: NO found 1.70.2 but need: '>= 1.73.1'
Did not find CMake 'cmake'
Found CMake: NO
Run-time dependency gjs-1.0 found: NO 

gnome-shell/meson.build:80:0: ERROR: Dependency lookup for gjs-1.0 with method 'pkgconfig' failed: Invalid version, need 'gjs-1.0' ['>= 1.73.1'] found '1.70.2'.

A full log can be found at /build/gnome-shell/src/build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt
82Packages: StableBug ReportMediumLow[glibc] ld warning: /usr/lib32/ld-linux.so.2: corrupt G...New
Task Description

Attached to Project: Archlinux32
Opened by Jeff Hodd - 11.07.2019
Last edited by Andreas Baumann - 09.08.2019
FS#82 - [glibc] ld warning: /usr/lib32/ld-linux.so.2: corrupt GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE (5) size: 0

All software builds are producing this warning. Some builds are failing because of the error return on linking. I’m also seeing failures on LD_PRELOADs.

/bin/ld: warning: /usr/lib/ld-linux.so.2: corrupt GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE (5) size: 0

Easy to reproduce. Just build this program:

# test.c
# Compiled with ‘gcc test.c’ int main() {

  return 0;


This was reported at bugs.archlinux.org (reference https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/63015) where it was closed and considered fixed if built using the –enable-cet flag. I built glibc with the –enable-cet flag, but am still seeing the failures, so not fixed.
Closed by Andreas Baumann
09.08.2019 11:44
Reason for closing: Fixed

  Comments (6)
  Related Tasks (0/0)

Jeff Hodd commented on 16.07.2019 03:29

I’ve narrowed down the glibc upgrade to glibc-2.29-1.26 -&gt; glibc-2.29-1.27. The error doesn’t occur with glibc-2.29-1.26. There were 3 changes made to the arch32 PKGBUILD for the glibc-2.29-1.27 release. One of them caused this issue.
Andreas Baumann commented on 16.07.2019 05:33

There is another thing which can change: the toolchain.
This GNU_PROPERTY error is something the compiler emits (we think it’s CET stuff, but it’s badly
documented). Binutils ld seems not to like this ELF section.

The error is the same as in:


What’s puzzling me: –enable-cet is there in glibc, gcc, binutils (just not for i486, as CET doesn’t\
work for older CPUs).

Commit: 09d03cbd4c57b8eabfadd22b67929d958b2409d7 and d57a456faa674c24e8869a26a14c497c95accf1f in
glibc are mine, they try to change stack alignment and handling of SSE for pentium4 for Java, also without effect.
Andreas Baumann commented on 16.07.2019 05:35

About linker warnings being turned to errors (as for compiler warnings turned to errors): this
is something the DEVELOPER should do, NOT the PACKAGER. Released software should:
- NOT include asserts
- NOT include debug code
- NOT include code only used for running tests
- NOT use -Werror
- NOT use -Wl,–fatal-warnings

See for instance extra-cmake-modules-5.59.0-ld-no-fatal-warning.patch.
Jeff Hodd commented on 16.07.2019 21:50

I knew about the cet issue. Did quite abit of looking around to get some insight into it (even looked at the code - elf-properties.c - and it looks like the Elf_Internal_Note description size is coming back with a value of 0. the other possibility is that (size % 4) is something other than 0 which is less likely). From what i could gather, cet is supposed to be enabled in the latest builds of glibc for i686 even though, as you pointed out, it’s not well documented. I did do a 2.29-4 i686 build with cet enabled and it made no difference vis-a-vis the warning. I also checked the upstream diff between 2.29-1.26 and 2.29-1.27 and noticed the addition of –enable-static-pie and thought maybe position independent executables may explain it. Did another glibc build with static pie disabled and that made no difference. Am about to go back and check the diff again and see what else may have changed.

I did check the CMakeLists.txt file for my failing build and it uses -Werror and -Wl,–fatal-warnings so I will remove those. But that doesn;t actually fix the underlying issue of the warning which we shouldn;t be seeing.

It is up to the developer, but too often one has to show that a change fixes an issue before you’ll get any attention. I may not be THE developer for this particular package, but I am A developer (in general), so I don;t feel uncomfortable making code changes.

I’ll keep looking around for differences between the 1.26 and 1.27 builds.
Jeff Hodd commented on 16.07.2019 22:15

if (note-&gt;descsz &lt; 8 || (note-&gt;descsz % align_size) != 0)



(_("warning: %pB: corrupt GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE (%ld) size: %#lx"),
 abfd, note-&gt;type, note-&gt;descsz);
    return FALSE;

The warning is printing out the description size - and that’s 0.

Apparently it’s supposed to be &gt;= 8 and divisible by 4:

unsigned int align_size = bed-&gt;s-&gt;elfclass == ELFCLASS64 ? 8 : 4;

I am assuming that arch32 doesn’t support ELFCLASS64.
Jeff Hodd commented on 22.07.2019 17:13


Google Cache

311PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[ffmpeg] fails with SIGILL on i686Assigned
Task Description

work fine on pentium4

reproducable: ffplay <file.mp4>

offending opcode:

 0xb5f315e7:  f3 0f 10 83 d0 0b 00 00 movss  
252PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[dbus-python/python-dbus] mixupNew
Task Description

packages (like upower) which include a dependency on python-dbus
use a 3.9 version and miss the correct one dbus-python (which
replaces python-dbus). This will only solve itself when upstream
adapts the PKGBUILDs to this name change.

320PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[btop] On i486 fails on clock_gettime64New
Task Description

shows a red ERROR: on startup, strace shows:

write(2, "\n", 1
)                       = 1
clock_gettime64(CLOCK_REALTIME, {tv_sec=1675495215, tv_nsec=436798535}) = 0
exit_group(1)                           = ?
+++ exited with 1 +++
[root@eurobuild6-7-i486 ~]# btop
ERROR: No UTF-8 locale detected!
246PackagesBug ReportMediumLow[blender] doesn't work (and doesn't build)New
Task Description

blender 2.93 has dependencies on wrong versions of
- llvm (via openshadinglanguage)
- boost (via openimageio)


blender 3.0.1:
Haru not found, disabling WITH_HARU’ and ‘Cycles OSL requires WITH_LLVM, the library may not have been found. Configure LLVM or disable WITH_CYCLES_OSL

Let’s tackle one issue after the other. :-)

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